By: Jonas Clark

Witchcraft needs to separate and isolate its victim from the influence
of friends and family in order to be most effective.
One who is being controlled feels the loss of personal identity and
self-esteem. Depression and fatigue quickly follow as the super
spiritual controller gives abnormal attention to those she desires to
Beware of separation through isolation.
Isolation is a solid weapon of witchcraft. It wants to separate you
from your friends, your church, or anyone whom it perceives can speak
truth into your life. I have witnessed people that have two close,
stable friends and watched this force of wickedness separate and
isolate its victim from their comrades.
This happens when witchcraft attempts to cause a separation from
others in your life through the introduction of strife. Your other
friends are its perceived enemies. People operating in witchcraft are
masters at pitting people against one another in order to separate and
isolate them.
This spirit will do whatever it takes to control the environment
around it. It likes to be in the limelight of your life. A person
that is humble of heart doesn't care about being the center of
attention. They are interested in pleasing God rather than taking
front stage. The spirit of witchcraft, in contrast, likes abnormal
attention, but most importantly, attention behind the scenes. People
operating in witchcraft don't want to share your attention with others
but want to keep you totally for themselves.
A person operating in the spirit of witchcraft focuses conversations
around themselves. They want to talk about them, them, them and them.
They don't like to talk about anybody or anything else and as soon as
you try to change the subject they will quickly cut the conversation
short. These conversations are extremely abnormal and signify a
bizarre attempt to cut off any other relationships in your life.
Acting super spiritual is another tactic.
If need be, witchcraft will even get super spiritual in its effort to
manipulate you. A person operating in this spirit might even call you
up and say, "I was up all night praying for you. I just couldn't
sleep last night. The Spirit of God just really impressed on me to
call you first thing this morning (at 6:30 a.m.) and tell you that you
need to hear from God and not fear man." People releasing witchcraft
will often get spiritual with you by ending their conversation
speaking in other tongues or some super spiritual saying. They will
do whatever it takes to add a spiritual sounding punch to their
manipulation. This, too, is a form of witchcraft; especially if they
didn't stay up all night and God wasn't really talking to them about
you. Instead, they were probably just up all night trying to figure
out how to manipulate you.
People who walk in witchcraft have an uppity air of spiritual
superiority about them. They think that they have it altogether and
you don't. If they can get you to lose your composure publicly by
putting you on the spot, then they will. They will push you out on
the proverbial limb for all to see. They are not necessarily flaky,
but they can act super spiritual.
One time, while overseas, I was asked about this particular church
service we attended. I said, "I thought it was God until --." It got
real quiet after I explained what I meant by until. I noticed that
those under the influence of witchcraft were looking at their
spiritual leader for a cue as to how to respond. I asked their
leader, "What did you think?" This person looked at me directly and
gave me the deepest spiritual answer I had ever heard. His statement
was totally non-relative to our conversation. Then he got up and left
us all pondering his great spiritual depth.
Witchcraft forces cause one to act so super spiritual that you can't
even have a normal conversation with them. If witchcraft can, it will
get you so far out there in spiritual wonderland that nobody can reach
you. In reality, the more spiritual a person gets the more balanced
and relatable that person will be.
The force of witchcraft will cause people to lose their individual
Your identity is your sense of who you are, what you're all about,
your focus in life, core values, purpose, goals, aspirations, life
experiences, education and interrelationships. Those influenced by
witchcraft begin to wonder who they are. They doubt their unique
purpose and role in life. I have even seen pastors attacked by
witchcraft doubt their calling into ministry - even after many years
of service.
Witchcraft will make you feel that without the person operating in
this demonic spirit (the controller) you have no personal identity of
your own. When you find yourself losing purpose and wondering why you
feel the way you do that is a sign that witchcraft is trying to steal
your identity. Witchcraft will make you feel like you are out of
place and have no personal value as you watch your self-esteem
disappear. Beware of drawing your sense of value from someone else
other than Christ.
Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been
released at you through the methods we just discussed.
* Do you feel like less of a person at times in the presence of
someone else?
* Do you think that you have no meaning in life apart from your
relationship with someone else?
* Do you feel like you have lost your personal identity?
* Do you feel like your ministry is insignificant?
* Have you ever felt that one of your friends or relatives tried to
isolate you from other people?
* Do you know anyone who gets super spiritual with you when you try to
have a normal conversation?
* Is this person always telling you what God told them that He wants
you to do?
* Have you lost close friends because someone began to talk spitefully
about them?
* Has anyone pitted two of your friends against each other?
* Is there anyone who releases fear at you whenever they want you to
do something?
* Has anyone ever told you something terrible was going to happen to
you if you didn't do what he or she said?
Sickness is a key weapon of witchcraft.
When you are battling witchcraft, you might start getting severe
headaches or feel like you are choking and can't breathe. One time,
when I was battling with this spirit, I felt like someone was standing
on my chest. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. The force
against me was real and the battle was raging. But, through prayer,
pleading the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony I won!
I have met many people, especially intercessors, who felt sick and got
headaches when witchcraft was attacking them. Others felt an
oppression that rested on their faces. I know of others who
experienced various "old" sickness symptoms appear during
intercession. Still others who felt flue-like symptoms attack their
bodies. When you are ignorant you don't know what to do, but when you
know the Word of God and your authority as a believer you can fight
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death"
(Revelations 12:11 KJV).
Fatigue is a much-used weapon of witchcraft.
Witchcraft drains the life (energy) right out of you. When attacked,
you feel tired, depressed, oppressed and fatigued. You can take
vitamins, exercise, run five miles and it still doesn't help.
Have you noticed how many people go to work tired all the time? They
have three cups of coffee in the morning just to begin work. Could
some of them be suffering from a witchcraft assignment? Others feel
sad, sleep all the time and feel trapped in depression and can't get
What I used to think was simply stress-related I now strongly suspect
to be the indication of demonic assignments. There have been times,
for example, when I was feeling extremely stressed, boarded a plane,
left the city and felt the fatigue lift. I am not ruling out the
effects of stress, but if you know the fatigue is not medical - or
stress-related, could it be witchcraft' s assignments? There have
been other times when I have been well rested, in superb health, the
bills are all paid, everything is good, but I find myself weary.
There are other times, after preaching certain subjects like "Exposing
Spiritual Witchcraft," "Jezebel Seducing Goddess Of War," "Ahab The
Provoker," "Religious Spirits" or "Beware The Charismatic
Merchandisers," I fight against spiritual retaliations. Such demonic
assignments should never stop you from following the leading of the
Holy Spirit to minister a certain topic.
Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been
released at you through the methods we just discussed.
* When you are in prayer, do you get sick or have headaches?
* Have you ever gotten ill after a confrontation with someone who was
spiritually contending with you?
* Do you feel tired most the time?
* Are your emotions on a roller coaster?
* Do you suffer from depression?
* Have you experienced spiritual retaliations against you?
Here's a clever weapon of witchcraft - the time thief.
Witchcraft controllers spend abnormal amounts of time with their
The girl that consumes all her friends' spare time.
The boy that smothers his girlfriend with inordinate attention.
The father that picks his son up on his day off because of reoccurring
The husband that keeps his wife so busy that she has no time for
anything else.
The believer that wants to meet with the pastor each week to talk
about the same old, same old.
The teacher who drowns the student with excessive tutoring.
The friend that never goes home.
The boss that continually has you in his office to sit and listen.
Witchcraft will go out of the way to control and waste your time.
It's not a natural thing; it's a spiritual thing. Scripture says,
"Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house; lest he be weary of
thee, and so hate thee" (Proverbs 25:17 KJV).
In the church, we can see the spirit of witchcraft operating through
the person who wants to hold a deep spiritual conversation with the
pastor right before he approaches the pulpit to speak.
Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been
released at you through the methods we just discussed.
* Is there anyone who spends abnormal amounts of time with you either
in person or on the telephone?
* Is there anyone who continually consumes or desires your time,
especially when you should be in church?
* Have you ever noticed the person who wants to have a spiritual
conversation with you during the most reverent time of a church
Witchcraft is a master at diverting attention away from itself by
turning it toward you. It makes others think that you are the one
with the problem. People operating in witchcraft are masters at
taking the focus off of them whenever they are about to be discovered.
These people think they never do anything wrong. When caught, they
say there is nothing for which to repent. They tell you directly, "I
haven't done anything wrong." Or, "I did what I thought was right. I
don't have anything to feel sorry about." They never manifest any
true repentance or humility. Whatever humility they may demonstrate
is false and used only as a tool to manipulate you. Superficial
repentance is a common witchcraft deception. Beware of their motives
because witchcraft never examines self.
Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been
released at you through the methods we just discussed.
* Do you ever feel that everything is always your fault?
* Do you know someone that feels like they have not done anything
wrong after they have abused you?
* Do you always blame your problems on someone else?
* Have people told you they were sorry but you knew they weren't?
The spirit of witchcraft seeks a legitimate front.
To look good, those operating in witchcraft surround themselves with
men and women of character. They try to associate themselves with
credible people and others with good reputations in an attempt to make
it look like they're part of that group. Simon, a sorcerer, for
example, joined Philip's ministry team in Samaria (Acts 8). The
Apostle Peter discerned Simon's motives and rebuked him.
Witchcraft uses soul ties to control its victims.
Have you ever heard the word soul ties? Well, that's what witchcraft
wants to create with its victim. If they can hook your emotions, then
they can gain a soul tie with you. If they can form a soul tie with
you, then they can control you. All abnormal soul ties need to be
broken. There are natural soul ties and abnormal soul ties.
A natural soul tie could be formed if you were involved in a plane
crash, landed on a remote island with several survivors and helped
each other endure. The result of that accident could lead to a
positive emotional bonding with the others. That's a healthy bonding
because everybody successfully went through a great trial together.
When you have sexual relations with someone there is a soul tie
(emotional bonding) that generates because two flesh are become one
(Genesis 2:24). Sexual relations in marriage generate a healthy soul
tie, while sexual relations outside of marriage create unhealthy soul
I know of times when people have lost their children through some
unfortunate accident. Just being there with them has formed an
emotional soul tie. In essence, there are some good soul ties that
bring stability into a person's life to help get them through
something. Then there are soul ties used solely for the purpose of
manipulation, control and selfish gain.
Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been
released at you through the methods we just discussed.
* Have you ever been emotionally bonded with someone who used that
bonding to manipulate you?
* Have you met the person who tries to make himself or herself look
important through the use of other peoples' reputations?
* Do you know anyone who insinuates that they are part of an
organization through namedropping?
Witchcraft needs to separate and isolate its victims from the
influence of friends and family.
People who walk in witchcraft have an air of spiritual superiority
about them.
One who is being controlled by witchcraft feels the loss of personal
identity and self-esteem.
People operating in witchcraft don't want to share your attention with
others, but want to keep you totally for themselves.
Beware of drawing your sense of value from someone else other than
Witchcraft drains the life (energy) right out of you.
Witchcraft will go out of the way to control and waste your time.
People operating in witchcraft are masters at taking the focus off of
them whenever they are about to be discovered.
To look good, people operating in witchcraft surround themselves with
men and women of character.
(c) 2003
This series of articles are from my new book Exposing Spiritual
Witchcraft (revised edition). You can pre-order your copy by
following this link: Click Here
Your partner in the gospel of Jesus Christ,
Apostle Jonas Clark
Spirit of Life Ministries
Hallandale Beach, Florida USA
Jonas Clark's Website