The Power of Prophecy

By: Donna J. Kazenske

1 Cor. 13:8-10 - "Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away."

Many have used the Scripture quoted above to speak against prophecy and the prophetic movement that is in full swing in the body of Christ today. Some say that prophecy has passed away and is no longer acceptable or needed in the church. Others don't believe that the Lord still heals, delivers, and fills people with His Spirit. If this is the case, why are so many people being set free from demonic spirits and strongholds that have held them bound for years? Why are miracles taking place in every kindred, tribe, and nation? How is it that the prophetic words being brought forth by God's anointed servants are bringing life, edification, comfort, exhortation, and direction to many? Could it be that those making these confessions of doubt and unbelief do not genuinely "know" the one true living God? Could it be that they are blinded by the deception of the evil one, having not the understanding needed to grasp the truth of God's holy word? Is it possible that they are listening and being led by "another" spirit, instead of the Holy Spirit of God?

1 Cor. 14:1-5 - Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.


I don't know about you, but I need to hear what God wants to say to me. I need to hear, "Thus saith the Lord." The words of man can help me and encourage me to a certain degree, but when I'm in a desperate situation, I need "a word" that will bring me out! I need "a word" in due season, that will quicken my heart and ignite my spirit to press on. Man's thoughts and ways are not God's thoughts and ways. His thoughts are higher. His ways are higher. His words bring life and health to those who hear them and receive them by faith. His words possess the capability and the power that's needed to set the captives free, make the lame to walk, cause the deaf to hear, and the blind to see. One word from the Lord can change a life forever.

The Lord desires to speak to His people in a variety of ways. God's not limited to our finite understanding of who He is. He is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything that we can think, dream, or imagine. He's not bound by the limitations of man's thinking, man's understanding, or man's wisdom. What man thinks or speaks does not limit the God who created the universe and set the worlds in motion. He's God! And when He desires to move, He's going to move. When He desires to speak, He's going to speak with authority, clarity, and power. His message will not bring confusion, but it will bring strength and peace to all those who hear it and receive it. His words will not return to Him void, but they will produce His purposes and plans in the lives of all those to whom He speaks.

God is not the God of the dead, but He is the God of the living. He still moves in the earth today, seeking and saving those who are lost and without hope. He still speaks to His people today by His Spirit. He still speaks to us through prophetic voices that He Himself is raising up in the earth today.

Ezra 6:14 - …they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo…

The word of the Lord will cause you to prosper. Prosper means to be successful or to cause to thrive (grow or flourish).

Acts 2:17 - "…your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…"

There's a new generation of young people that will soon come to the forefront of what God is doing in the earth. Their voices will be heard like the roaring of thunder as they preach and prophesy with the fire of the Holy Ghost burning in their innermost beings. They will not be ashamed to proclaim His name. They will not be disobedient to the heavenly vision that God has unveiled to them. Nor will they hold back the word of the Lord from those who need it, desire it, and long for it. They will speak the "word of the Lord" with holy boldness and authority, because they have received revelation knowledge from the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they have an understanding that it is He who commissioned them to the work of the ministry, not man. They've been marked by God and desire to do His will above all else. They "know" Jesus in an intimate way, and their hearts cry out for others to know Him even as they know Him. Their hearts cry out for others to come to the knowledge of who He is and what He can do for them, if they would just lay hold of it and accept it by faith.

God has more in store for those who are seeking Him with their whole hearts, minds, and souls. What we are seeing now with our natural eyes and hearing with our natural ears will seem like grade school level information when He begins to pour out His Spirit in full measure upon His church. There are realms of glory that we have not even tapped into yet.

The Lord is calling His people to greater dimensions of His manifest presence and greater aspects of His divine power. He's calling us to higher heights and deeper truths. I believe the cry of the Father's heart is for His people to know Him more today than they did yesterday.

Daniel 11:32 - "Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery, but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits."

Do you "know" your God? Do you have relationship with Him? Are you walking and talking with Him on a daily basis? Are you being saturated in His holy presence and allowing Him to change your life? If so, He will bring newness of life and strength to your spirit man, and cause you to be anointed with His power to do great exploits for His kingdom. The end result will bring glory and honor to Jesus. God will bring down those who desire to lift up themselves and their ministries. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me." Our duty and responsibility is to draw men to Jesus, not ourselves. Our obligation to the Lord is to lift up His name in the earth so that He might be glorified.

Can you sense the life in the words that have been written in this article today? Can you feel that stirring in your heart that cries out for more of Jesus?

Don't pull away from the Lord, but draw near to Him as a little child draws near to his mother or father. Approach the Lord with reverential fear, adoration, and honor, understanding that He is the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. He is for you, not against you. He is working on your behalf to bring you into the fullness of Himself.

God bless you as you serve the King of Glory.

The day is coming when those who truly know Me shall find an increase of anointing and power upon their lives. For the days in which you live are evil days, saith the Lord, and this will only increase. Evil shall abound on every hand, but those who keep their faith and trust in Me shall never be ashamed. For I will uphold those who are mine. I will be their shield and their defender against those who accuse and speak falsely against them. For when the accusations come, do not be fearful and tormented in your minds. Know this, saith the Lord, that I have you in the palm of My hand. No man shall be able to pluck you out of My hand, for you are mine. You belong to Me, and I shall protect you from the attacks of the enemy. I shall protect you from the enemy's schemes and evil attempts to take you out. For My plans and purposes shall be fulfilled and established according to My holy word. My people will hear Me, and they will know that what I speak is true. What I speak brings life. What I declare shall come to pass just as I have spoken it. Know this, saith the Lord, that My words will NEVER return void, but they will accomplish what I have sent them forth to do. Rejoice in this fact, saith the Lord, that you are mine. You belong to Me, and I will protect you.