Is Your House In Order? Sure Word Ministries
Is Your House In Order?
By: Donna J. Kazenske

As I travel from country to country, I find myself standing in awe and amazement at the flawless work of the hand of God as He moves artistically across both land and sea. His outstretched hand is bringing all things into divine order for the next phase of Holy Ghost operations in the earth.

As the Lord establishes “His Order” in the body of Christ, many will experience a fine tuning as He tightens and loosens strings according to the need. Those in leadership positions will find themselves experiencing new levels of purging and purification as the Lord takes them into higher realms of His presence and glory. The hand of God will lie heavily upon us, as He requires more from us. We will find it increasingly more difficult to get by with some of the things that we’ve gotten by with in the past. The convicting power of the Holy Spirit will cause us to lay aside childish things and press on to maturity. Things that were okay for us to do yesterday will know longer be acceptable for us to do today.

As the Lord begins to bring order to His body, we will more than likely find ourselves in some very uncomfortable positions. His idea of house cleaning is so much higher than ours. He doesn’t mess around, nor does He waste any time. I’m almost certain that He finds much pleasure in rearranging and repositioning the furniture that He finds in each room of our spiritual house. What will we do when He starts throwing out furniture and objects that have meant so much to us? Will we throw a temper tantrum and insist that He bring them back in? Or will we submit ourselves under His mighty hand of authority?

The fire of God’s presence will increase in the lives of those who mean business with Him. Those who are strong in the faith will find themselves pressing in for more of God’s presence because they will have a greater sense of dissatisfaction within.

When God establishes His rule and reign in our hearts, He will place His mantle of anointing, power, and authority upon us. When our lives are completely sold out and submitted to Jesus, the heavens will be opened for us. We will be able to see things that we have never seen before. We will be able to accomplish more than we have ever accomplished before, because His anointing will saturate us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Prayer will no longer be a burden, but a pleasure.

When the hindrances in our lives have been removed, His power will be unleashed in magnificent proportions. This is what we have been praying for! This is what we have been crying out for! We have longed to see the Lord move in our midst, but we have not been spiritually prepared for it. We’ve not been in that place of readiness to receive from the Lord.

Have you ever visited a church or a ministry where the presence of God seemed to envelop the place even before the service started? While you were there, did you find it easy to pray and worship the Lord? An open heaven makes all the difference in the world!

When the heavens are opened over a city, a church, or a ministry, God’s anointing and presence have the ability to bring a continual flow of life and refreshing to those who abide there. Heaven seems to come down and kiss the earth with its radiance and beauty, while the earth openly accepts and receives its loving embrace.

I don’t know about you, but I see the need for divine order to be established in the church of the living God. If we want to see the lost saved and the sick healed, we must allow the Lord to clean the house and bring the necessary changes so we can proceed to the next level. I’ve heard it said, “When you go to a new level, you’ll meet a new devil.” There is much truth to this statement. However, we cannot allow fear to keep us from attaining those new levels of authority and power in our lives. We must allow the Lord to do whatever it takes so that we can be strategically positioned in His kingdom.

My heart grieves as I think of how many Christians have missed out on God’s perfect plan for their lives, because they refused to let God have His way. They would not allow the Holy Spirit to come in and clean their spiritual homes. They would not allow Him to throw out the old furniture and bring in the new. They would not allow Him to come in and sweep out their closets with His Holy Ghost vacuum sweeper. Today, their lives are a mess. Many have fallen back into sin and have lost their place of position and authority in His body. Many have gone back to the ash heap of alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, and Satanism. They never could quite understand how to lay hold onto Jesus. They never could completely sever the ties that still had them bound to the lusts of the world and the snares of the fowler.

There must be a complete cutting away of all ties that we have with the old lifestyle. We cannot live with one foot in the kingdom of God and one foot in the world. It doesn’t work that way. We either hate sin and love God, or love sin and hate God. Sin separates us from the Lord. If we truly want to be united with Jesus, we must turn our backs on sin and face the cross of Calvary. Repentance means turning away and not looking back.

There’s a price to pay when it comes to following Jesus. I wonder how many today are willing to count the cost and pay the price?

Matthew 7:13-14: Jesus said, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

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